Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin
Taxonomic position
Insecta: Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodoidea: Aleyrodidae: Aleurodicinae
Common name
Rugose spiraling whitefly
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
Coconut, banana, custard apple and several ornamental plants.
Pest status
A serious invasive pest. For more details, see Selvaraj K. et al., 2016 and also this link.
 Photo credit: Selvaraj K. et al., 2016
Selvaraj K., Sundararaj R., Venkatesan T., Chandish R.B., Jalali S.K., Ankita Gupta and Mrudula H.K. 2016. The invasive rugose spiraling whitefly Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin in India. Journal of Biological Control, 30(3): , 2016.
Images and factsheet prepared by Dr. Ankita Gupta, Scientist, NBAIR. Web content added by Malathi C, 18.11.2016.