Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell)
Taxonomic position
Insecta: Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae
Common names
Pink sugarcane mealybug, cane mealybug
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
Mainly sugarcane, other Saccharum spp., sorghum, Johnsongrass, etc.

The mealybugs are pinkish with a white waxy covering and hundreds are found attached to the lower nodes of sugarcane under the leaf sheaths. The mealybugs suck the sap and reduce cane vigour, besides causing sooty mould. The mealybugs are usually attended by ants. Severe attack results in stunted growth, yellowing of leaves, deposition of sticky honeydew, and development of sooty mould which lead to poor juice quality.

For more details, see ScaleNet.
Pest status
A common and serious pest of sugarcane.
colony on sugarcane sugarcane mealybug mealybugs on sugarcane Saccharicoccus sacchari Saccharicoccus sacchari Saccharicoccus sacchari sugarcane mealybug