Paliga machoeralis (Walker)
(=Eutectona machoeralis (Walker), E. machaeralis, Hapalia machaeralis (Walker))
Taxonomic position
Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae: Pyraustinae
Common names
Teak skeletonizer, teak leaf skeletonizer
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
Larval feeding on the green leaf tissue between veins results in the characteristic skeletonization symptom. Partially damaged leaves are not shed immediately and even totally skeletonized leaves are retained by the affected tree for a long time, resulting in a dry, scorched appearance.
There is some confusion regarding the identity of the teak skeletonizer that occurs in India as Paliga damastesalis (Walker) is believed to be the common species in many southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.
Pest status
A serious pest of teak.