Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Ishida)
Taxonomic position
Insecta: Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Membracoidea: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae
Common names
Cotton leafhopper, okra leafhopper
Habitat / Crop(s) damaged
Cotton, okra, brinjal, etc.

Both nymphs and adults suck the sap from the leaves and cause serious hopper burn / drying of leaves, resulting in stunted growth. Affected leaves become yellow, crinkled, curled and show marginal browning. The nymphs and adults are pale green and are found near the main veins on the under surface and move sideways when disturbed.
Pest status
This pest has assumed serious proportions on Bt cotton in many parts of India and has developed resistance to several commonly used insecticides on cotton.
Cotton leafhopper Cotton jassid

 Photo credit: Dr. C.A. Viraktamath, UAS, Bangalore