This work was done under the project viz., "Biosystematics and Diversity of Agriculturally Important Cerambycidae" and Part of M.Sc thesis(Kariyanna B.)
The specimens are housed at the following repository
ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru.
Collection, Curation and Identification
Kariyanna B, Poorani J,Mohan M, Narasa Reddy G, Dhanapal
Factsheet preparation, Imaging & Compilation by
Mohan M. Principal Scientist, Division of Bio-Systematic, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru.
Kariyanna B. Ph.D. Scholar, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur-584102
Poorani J. Principal Scientist, Division of Crop Protection, National Research Centre For Banana, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India
Vitali F. Entomology and Paleaoentomology, National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg, Münster Rd. 24, L-2160 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Website designed by
Mohammed Mazhar B.I. (ICAR-Young Professional - I)
Network Project on Insect Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Dr. Chandish R. Ballal, Director, ICAR - National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Post Bag No. 2491, H.A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560024, Karnataka, India for facilities and encouragement.
- Dr. Rajeev Gupta R and Dr. V K Dubey,Professor, Department of Entomology, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Krishak Nagar, Raipur-492012, Chhattisgarh, for encouragement, providing guidance and comments on identities of some species.
- Dr. N. Bakthavastalam, Dr. T. Venkatesan and Dr. M. Pratheepa, Principal Scientist, ICAR - National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Post Bag No. 2491, H.A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560024, Karnataka, for their timely help and support.
- Dr. Hemant V. Ghate, Professor of Zoology (Retd.), Modern college, Pune, for comments on identity of some species.
- Xavier Gouverneur, Entomologist, independent researcher, French entomologist, 3 rue de la Santé, f-35000 Rennes, France, An initial motivator for checklist preparation.
- Jacek Kurzawa, Amateur Entomologist, ul. Sterlinga 2/10, 97-200 Tomaszow Maz., Poland, for his valuable comments.