Platensina acrostacta (Wiedemann)


Trypeta acrostacta Wiedemann, 1824: 54

Ensina guttata Macquart, 1843: 387

Trypeta stella Walker, 1849: 1030

Trypeta voneda Walker, 1849: 1028

Tephrostola acrostacta: Bezzi, 1913: 153

Platensina acrostacta: Hendel, 1915: 461

Platensina voneda (Walker): Norrbom et al. 1999: 191

Taxonomic position

Diptera: Brachycera: Tephritoidea: Tephritidae: Tephritinae: Dithrycini

  • Face black in males; fulvous in females
  • Scutum grey pollinose with well developed chaetotaxy
  • Abdomen glossy black in males and females
  • Wing broad, predominantly dark brown with hyaline wedges and spots
Host plant

Ludwigia sp. (Fa. Onagraceae) (Hardy, 1973, Hancock, 2012)


India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala) and Sri Lanka to Cambodia (Hancock 2012)


David, K. J., Ramani, S. 2011. An illustrated key to fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Peninsular India and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Zootaxa, 3021: 1–31.

Hancock, D.L. 2012. Systematic and distributional notes on some Australasian and African species of Platensina Enderlein and Dicheniotes Munro (Diptera: Tephritidae: Tephritinae), with description of a new species of Dicheniotes from Kenya. Australian Entomologist, 39(4): 305–320.

Hardy D.E. 1973. The fruit flies (Tephritidae–Diptera) of Thailand and bordering countries. Pacific Insects Monograph 31: 1–353. [pls i–viii.]

Wiedemann, C.R.W. 1824. Munus rectoris in Academia Christiana Albertina aditurus analecta entomologica ex Museo Regio Havniensi maxime congesta profert iconibusque illustrat. Kilniae, 60 pp.

Habitus (dorsal) of male
Habitus (dorsal) of female
Habitus (lateral) of male
Face of female
Face of male
Thorax (dorsal view)
Thorax (lateral view) with legs
Abdomen (male)