• This work was done under the Institute Project viz., ‘Taxonomy of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of India’ funded by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi and DST-SERB sponsored project entitled " Systematic studies on fruit flies of subfamily Tephritinae of south India with special reference to Western Ghats".

    The specimens are housed at the following repository :
    NIM-National Insect Museum, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru.

    Identification, factsheet preparation, imaging & compilation by :

    David K.J.
    Senior Scientist,
    Division of Germplasm Collection and Characterization, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru.

    Salini S.
    Senior Scientist,
    Division of Germplasm Collection and Characterization, ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru.

    Collection by :
    Prabhu G., Sachin K., David K. J., Salini S., Maruthi K. V.

    Processing of specimens :
    Sachin K., Prabhu G., Maruthi K.V.

    Website designed by :
    Tarasvi Infotech Pvt Ltd.

    Citation :
    David K.J. & Salini S. 2022. True fruit flies of India. World Wide Web electronic publication. ICAR-NBAIR, India. https://databases.nbair.res.in/fruit_flies

    Acknowledgements :
    The following individuals and institutions are gratefully acknowledged.
    1. Dr. S. N. Sushil,
      ICAR - National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Post Bag No. 2491, H.A. Farm Post,Bellary Road, Bengaluru 560024, Karnataka, India for facilities and encouragement.
    2. Dr. David L. Hancock,
      Retired Professor 60 South Street, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 2EP, United Kingdom, for encouragement, providing literature and comments on identities of some species.
    3. Late Dr. Amnon Freidberg,
      Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
    4. Dr. C. A. Viraktamath,
      Retired Professor,
      Department of Entomology, UAS (Bangalore) GKVK Campus, Bangalore