Microgastrines have been reared from most of the major families of Lepidoptera. There are tens of thousands of host records already available in India. This section presents a list of host species under selected families of Lepidoptera reported in the caterpillar rearing of the National Insect Museum of ICAR- National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR). This section is most likely to expand based on new discoveries as and when encountered.

  1. Blastobasidae
  2. Bombycidae
  3. Brachodidae
  4. Crambidae
  5. Erebidae
  6. Erebidae: Arctiinae
  7. Erebidae: Lymantriinae
  8. Ethmiidae
  9. Gelechiidae
  10. Geometridae
  11. Hesperiidae
  12. Lasiocampidae
  13. Limacodidae
  14. Lycaenidae
  15. Lyonetiidae
  16. Noctuidae
  17. Nymphalidae
  18. Oecophoridae
  19. Papilionidae
  20. Pieridae
  21. Plutellidae
  22. Psychidae
  23. Pyralidae
  24. Riodinidae
  25. Saturniidae
  26. Sphingidae
  27. Tortricidae