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Scientific nameTassonia gloriae Girault
Taxonomic positionInsecta: Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae: Encyrtinae
DiagnosisFemale: Length 0.87 mm. Head dark with metallic green reflections; antenna with radicle, basal three-fourth of scape, dorsal portion of pedicel dark brown; F6 and clava brownish; distal one-fourth of scape, ventral portion of pedicel and basal five funicle segments white; mesosoma dark; apex of scutellum and mesopleura with metallic green reflections; wings hyaline; legs with coxae, basal three-fourth of fore femora, distal half of mid femora, basal one-third of mid tibia, hind femora and hind tibia except apex brownish; remaining parts of leg whitish; metasoma dark; frontovertex slightly longer than wide, with minute scattered depressions; ocelli arranged in obtuse angled triangle; malar space shorter than transverse diameter of eye; scrobes deep and inverted U-shaped; mandibles tridentate; scape 5x longer than wide; pedicel as long as following four funicle segments combined; funicle segments 1-6 transverse, more than one and a half times wider than long; clava slightly more than 2x longer than wide, distinctly longer than funicle; posterior margin of pronotum with 7 pairs of setae; scutum 2x wider than long; fore wing slightly more than 2x longer than wide; costal cell broad; marginal vein 3x longer than wide; marginal fringe short; metasoma longer than mesosoma; ovipositor distinctly exserted (Hayat et al., 1975).
ImageDistributionIndia: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttarkhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal (Hayat, 2006).
Hosts / BiologyParasitic on aphids. Known hosts include Hysteroneura setariae on Cynodon dactylon (Hayat, 1979b); Saccharicoccus (=Longiunguis) sacchari on Saccharum officinarum (Shafee et al., 1975) and Sorghum vulgare (Hayat, 1979b); Myzus persicae (Hayat, 1979b).
CreditsFactsheet prepared by Dr. A. Rameshkumar, Research associate, NPIB, NBAIR.