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Scientific nameScolothrips rhagebianus Priesner, 1950
Taxonomic positionThysanoptera: Terebrantia: Thripidae
SynonymScolothrips indicus Priesner
DiagnosisBody uniformly yellowish; with grayish spots on thoracic nota, and abdominal segments
I and II. Antennal segments I and II unshaded. Fore wing with proximal half of clavus shaded, and with 2 short cross bands alternating with 3 clear areas; proximal, middle, and distal 1/4 clear, unshaded. Head with 2 pairs of anteocellar seta. Eyes with 4 pigmented facets. Interocellar setae very long, about along as or longer than dorsal length of head. Maxillary palp 3-segmented. Antennae 8-segmented; segment I without dorsal apical setae; II with dorsal setae baasd of companiform sensilla; III & IV with forked sense cones; V with only 2 sense cones. Pronotum with 6 pairs of long seate. Pronotum with a pair of prebasal setae. Ferna divided, the distance between 2 halves very little. Basantra membranous without setae. Medain pair of mesonotal setae inserted at middle of the sclerite. Mesothoracic sternopleural sutures absent. Metascutum with transversely elongate reticules. Spinula present on both pterygosterna. Tarsi 2-segemented. Tergum X not split. Abdominal terga and sterna with craspedum. Abdominal tergum II with 3 major lateral setae. Tergum III with few lines of sculpture at middle; I and II with few, widely spaced transverse lines of sculpture at middle, similar to III.
ImagesDistributionIndia: Delhi; Iran; Mauritius; Africa: Egypt, Cape Verde.
Hosts / PreyPredatory on spider-mites and scale insects.