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Scientific namePriscibrumus lituratus (Gorham) (Exochomus lituratus Gorham)
Taxonomic positionColeoptera: Coccinellidae: Chilocorinae: Chilocorini
DiagnosisLength 4.14-4.56 mm, width 2.95-3.20 mm. Form (Plate) oval, weakly convex. Head and
pronotum black. Elytra yellowish testaceous to reddish brown, with two lateral oblique black stripes starting from just below humeral callus, progressively broader and confluent near elytral apex. Ventral side black, except elytral epipleura yellowish brown. Elytral punctations close, coarse and deeply
impressed, separated by less than a diameter. Male genitalia (Figs) and life stages (Plate) as illustrated.
ImageDistributionIndia: Himachal Pradesh; Jammu & Kashmir; Sikkim; Uttar Pradesh. Pakistan. Nepal.
Prey / Associated habitatHEMIPTERA: Aphidoidea: Adelges spp., Aphis cf. gossypii Glover, Aphis sp. ?fabae Scopoli, Dreyfusia (as Adelges) knucheli (Schneider-Orelli & Schneider), and Pemphigus sp. Distributed all over the fir forests between 2100 and 3500 m in northwestern India and Pakistan.
Seasonal occurrenceActive during February-July (Nagarkatti & Ghani, 1972); collected during November.
Natural enemyDinocampus coccinellae (Schrank).