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Scientific nameCladiscodes orientalis Singh and Agarwal
Taxonomic positionHymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae: Encyrtidae: Tetracneminae
Female: Length 1.51 mm. Head dark brown with metallic green reflections; eyes chocolate brown; ocelli red; antenna with radicle, pedicel and tip of club light brown; rest yellow; mesosoma dark brown, shiny; pronotum metallic green on sides; fore wing infuscate in basal half; hind wings hyaline; legs with coxae, femora (except at distal tips) and tibiae dark brown, remaining portions brownish-yellow; metasoma lighter than mesosoma; head in frontal view, one and a-third times as wide as long, with thimble like piliferous punctures and present all over frontal and arranged in six rows; scrobes very short; toruli below the line joining lower eye margins; mesosoma flat with thimble like punctae but different from those on head; scutellum longer than mesoscutum; propodeum narrow, about one-ninth of scutellum length; fore wing a little over two and a quarter times as long as wide; marginal vein less than three times as long as wide, longer than postmarginal, stigmal vein longer than both marginal and postmarginal veins put together; hind wing less than three times as long as wide; metasoma shorter than mesosoma; ovipositor a little exserted and curved upwardly.
ImageDistributionIndia: Arunachal Pradesh (Hayat, 2006).
Hosts / BiologyUnknown.
CreditsFactsheet prepared by Dr. A. Rameshkumar, Research associate, NPIB, NBAII.