For X. tranquebarorum: Although the type locality of this species sensu Moure and Hurd (1963) is Tranquebar (Tharangambadi in Tamil Nadu State) we cannot verify any modern records of the typical form from India. Only subspecies X. t. concolarata is confirmed to occur in India and it is restricted to the Himalayas. It is not clear whether the type specimen of X. tranquebarorum was misidentified or whether the type locality is erroneous. In any event, X. auripennis, not X. tranquebarorum, is the expected species of this subgenus in southern India.
Swederus, 1787. Et nytt genus och femtio nya species af insekter beskrifne Kungliga Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar, 181-201, 276-290, SW, Stockholm.