Aphidinae: Macrosiphini
Common name(s)
Rose aphid
Apterae medium-sized to rather large, broadly spindle-shaped, shiny, pale to dark green or deep pink to red-brown or magenta, with shiny black head and siphunculi. Antennae and legs bicolored, yellow and black, cauda pale-yellow. Dorsal side of abdomen sometimes with small black sclerites. Alatae have very distinct black sclerites along sides of abdomen. Apterae 1.7-3.6 mm, alatae 2.2-3.4 mm. Antennae as long as or little longer than body. Processus terminalis 4.5-5x as long as base of last antennal segment. Siphunculi 2-2.6x longer than cauda.
The aphid mainly colonises tender flower buds, young shoots and lower surface of young leaves.
Distributed throughout most of the world on cultivated roses, but apparently not in eastern Asia (Blackman & Eastop, 1984). India: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Manipur, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal.
Host plant(s)
Rosaceae: Rosa sp.
Aptera: Length of body 3.00, width 1.64; antennae 3.03, segments III: IV: V: VI 0.94: 0.62: 0.52: (0.16+0.75); u.r.s. 0.14; h.t.2 0.13; siphunculus 1.07; cauda 0.40.
Alata: Length of body 2.68, width 1.21; antennae 3.00, segments III: IV: V: VI 0.81: 0.67: 0.47: (0.14+0.77); u.r.s. 0.13; h.t.2 0.12; siphunculus 0.92; cauda 0.42.
Seasonal occurrence
January-March, June-July and September-October. Almost throughout the year.
Natural enemies
Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Chilocorus rubidus Hope, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.), Coccinella transversalis F., Coelophora biplagiata (Swartz), Hippodamia variegata (Goeze), O. conglobata (L.), O. kirbyi Mulsant, Oenopia sauzeti Mulsant, O. sexareata (Mulsant), Propylea luteopustulata (Mulsant), Cryptogonus quadriguttatus (Weise).
Diptera: Syrphidae: Betasyrphus serarius (Wiedemann).
Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae: Aphidius matricariae Haliday, A. rosae Haliday, A. urticae Haliday, Ephedrus lacertosus (Haliday), E.plagiator (Nees), Indaphidius curvicaudatus Stary.