
Hormaphidinae: Cerataphidini

Common name(s)

Palm aphid, arecanut aphid


Small, sedentary aphids with a dark brown, flattened, almost circular body fringed with white wax; legs short and hidden under body. Apterae 1.0-1.8mm long x 0.8-1.3mm broad, alatae 1.3-2.0mm. Antennae 0.18x as long as body. Processus terminalis 0.4 times as long as base of last antennal segment. Siphunculi pore-like. Cauda rounded.

It is impossible to distinguish this species from C. lataniae (Boisduval) in life, however slide mounted specimens can be separated by the presence of dagger shaped hairs on head.


India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu), Africa, Malaysia.

Host plant(s)

Arecaceae: Calamus rotang L., Calamus prosinus Lakshmana and Renuka.


Aptera: Length of body 1.26, width 0.84; antennae 0.23, segments III: IV: V: 0.04: 0.03: 0.09: (0.05+0.02); u.r.s. 0.05; h.t.2 0.07.

Seasonal occurrence

February, September, November-December.

Natural enemies

Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Cheilomenes sexmaculata (F.), Cryptogonus kapuri Ghorpade.
