Hormaphidinae: Cerataphidini
Common name(s)
Bamboo aphid
Apterae very broad bodied, pale yellow or greenish yellow, with an extensive dark bluish green dorsal patch, broadest anteriorly, and a small marginal fringe of light wax.
The aphids are often found in association with A. bambucifoliae and A. bambusae, but can be easily distinguished by the dark bluish green dorsal patch.
India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu), Taiwan.
Host plant(s)
Poaceae: Bambusa arundinacea Willd.
Aptera: Length of body 1.38, width 0.87; antennae 0.29, segments III: IV:V: 0.03: 0.04: 0.11: (0.06+0.02); u.r.s. 0.05; h.t.2 0.07.
Alata: Length of body 1.69, width 0.93; antennae 0.37, segments III: IV: V: 0.07: 0.03: 0.17: (0.07+0.03); u.r.s. 0.05; h.t.2 0.08.
Seasonal occurrence