Colony on bamboo



Hormaphidinae: Cerataphidini

Common name(s)

Bamboo aphid


Apterae yellowish green, with two darker green longitudinal stripes and wax tufts on the sides of abdomen. Antennae 0.20 times as long as body. Processus terminalis shorter than base, 0.25-0.3 times as long as base of the last antennal segment. Siphunculi ring-like on elevated cones, bearing 8-9 hairs. Cauda with two hairs. The aphids usually colonise at the base of young leaves of young trees.


India: Karnataka.

Host plant(s)

Poaceae: Bambusa arundinacea Willd.


Aptera: Length of body 1.39, width 0.87; antennae 0.28, segments III: IV:V: 0.03: 0.04: 0.10: (0.07+0.02); u.r.s. 0.05; h.t.2 0.08.
Alata: Length of body 1.70, width 0.92; antennae 0.38, segments III: IV: V: 0.06: 0.04: 0.17: (0.08+0.03); u.r.s. 0.05; h.t.2 0.09.

Seasonal occurrence

August - September
